Giveaway - Summer Hydrosol Wands

Well it's been a while since we've had a proper giveaway, and with summer fast approaching, there is dire need of refreshment!

Above are 4 empty spray-bottle 'wands'. They're waiting for 4 lucky winners to tell me what to fill them with before they are whisked off in the mail.

You Choose

I've made 2 refreshing summer hydrosol blends that are sure to cool and soothe – one is floral and the other is herbal. They are equally efficient at moisturizing, so it's just a question of your personal preference.

Here's what each of them contain:
Floral: rose hydrosol, roman chamomile hydrosol, aloe vera
Herbal: verbena hydrosol, lemon balm hydrosol, sage hydrosol

Both blends are preserved with benzyl alcohol.


There are no limitations in this giveaway. Anyone from anywhere can enter. The only requirement is you have to check back to see if you won.

Drop a comment below before June 22 at 12:00 noon Copenhagen time (GMT + 1) to enter. Winners will be announced on this blog on June 25.

Good luck!

PS: This blog has had commenting problems previously and the settings have been tweaked and tested several times. Everything should be functioning. However, if you do run into problems leaving a comment, please send me an email and I will add your name to the list. (my email is on the sidebar under 'Order a custom product').


Anna-Vera said…
ooooo! Yes Please! I am interested mostly in the floral one! :)
Inga said…
Lovely giveaway! I've been using floral water instead of a toner for quite some time and it works great :)
Unknown said…
Wow such a great giveaway for summer! I'd love to win the floral one! I'm a rose-anything junkie!
María said…
Hey, I'm going to give it a change, despite normally I'm not lucky for this kind of things XD.
Thank you very much for this generous gift for the 4 lucky winners :)
María said…
Sorry, my corrector gives me nightmares (LOL).
I meant to say I'm going to give it a chance !! XD
OMG, I think I have to pay more attention when I type with the phone...
Signe said…
I would definitely need something freshening and empowering right now...they both sound lovely, but because those herbals are not so familiar to me, I'd pick that one if I'd get a chance to choose.
Chris said…
Good luck everyone. :)
Emily S. said…
I would love to try the floral one. Thanks for the giveaway!
Prakasha said…
Yes indeed! Sign me up, please! I'm sure either one carrying marvelous LisaLise magic.
Anne Robertson said…
I'd love to try one!
Zan said…
Hi Lise!

I'd like to try the floral one please :)


Unknown said…
I'd LOVE an herbal one!
I hope I win!
alicyn said…
those both sound amazing! i'm having a hard time choosing between the two... but if i'm lucky enough to win, i'd love the herbal one. :)
Unknown said…
These look great, my skin is still needing a lot of soothing, rosacea is calming a little but incredibly dry and often tender. So if I won either would be lovely x
Unknown said…
Hello LisaLise! It's "LauKo" (aka Laura)!! At long last I've made it to your blog and am now bookmarking it! I would choose the first, floral, one. :) Glad to find you here! xoxox
Tina Rasmussen, CPH said…
I'm in of coruse and would love the Herbal (Magic) Wand :-)
Best, Tina
Tina Rasmussen, CPH said…
I'm in of coruse and would love the Herbal (Magic) Wand :-)
Best, Tina
Anonymous said…
They both sound lovely! :) If I had to pick be, I'd probably pick herbal.
Diana SK8
Andrea Scott said…
I vote for the floral hydrosol. blessings!
Pam said…
Oh this sounds so gracious and lovely. I would enjoy trying the rose hydrosol moisturizer particularly but the herb sounds just as moisturizing. Thank you for such a generous offer.
Rachel said…
Wow! That would be wonderful. Would love to try the herbal one :)
María said…
Oh, I forgot to choose one of the wands if I'm one of the lucky winners, but really I don't care which one, they are both amazing!