Easy Inexpensive Cloths for Cleansing Oil
I love oil cleansers, but can be a bit of a lazy lucy (is that an expression?) when it comes to clean-up.
Using a regular washcloth to remove oil cleanser works fine, but the washcloth is then soaked in oily-ish stuff and needs to be laundered.
To top this off, any fabric soaked in oil on a regular basis will start to go rancid smelling after a while – even if it is laundered regularly.
If you are a frequent spa-goer, you may have noticed the scent of sheets that just won't go clean any more. Sheets that have been soaked in massage oil for so long they have gone rancid.
Rancid smelling cloth on face? Or anywhere?
No thanks.
Solution: find a quality, single-use something to remove cleansing oil.
Piece of cake, right?
After looking for bargain washcloths in every shop I happened across for ages, I finally gave up and dropped the idea.
But sometimes, when you're not even looking for it, a solution walks right up and taps you on the back - like this one did.
Fabric Sale
A local fabric sale I happened across by chance revealed a bolt of cloth that looked like diapers. It was indeed diaper cloth (who knew they sold that in fabric stores?).After washing the fabric, it was ripped (yes, literally) into single-use sized squares and the loose threads were removed.
Even though these were intended as single use cloths, they are good for several uses before discarding.