The Pink Pamperer - A New Serum is Born


Boony said…
ok, seriously?! I NEED to be a tester for this one too!! NEED TO! :)
LisaLise said…
You shall be immediately added to the list. ;)
Mom said…
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Mom said…
How does one become a tester? I would love to test your products.
Rikke said…
The Pink Pamper. Ja det skal den altså hedde. Det SKAL den altså"

:-) Rikke
That is simply lovely too! I'm very interested in trying out fruit powders as I've never worked with them.. the colour is simply amazing.
LisaLise said…
Thanks Celine. I love this color too. I've been trying the cranberry powder out in several different products and it is a little difficult to work with, but when it works well, it really adds a that little extra.