Learn Formulation Essentials at Tisserand Institute
Over the years, I've had soooo many requests for teaching and for the past months, I have literally had to bite my lip every time someone asked if I taught any courses.
I've been busting to tell you about this but at the same time been so busy working that it has been nonstop excitement in the LisaLise lab for months.
See those ingredients up there?
They're part of a brand new course.
Why am I all excited about this?
Because I have had the tremendous pleasure and privilege of working with Robert Tisserand to create the formulas for it. Not only that, but Tisserand Institute has asked me to teach it.
(insert squeee!)
So what are you doing this summer? How about joining me in a brand new course where we're going to make all sorts of cool stuff? How about learning how to make fabulous essential oil blends by Robert Tisserand himself?
(insert additional squeee!)
Over the next few days, I'm going to be sharing a few sneak peeks of what's included because I have quite literally been busting to share all this with you! Check my Instagram, this blog and the shop blog if you don't want to miss a thing.
The Ingredients Up There
Oh, and the ingredients at the top? They combine to make the most decadent and delicious luxury balm I've had the pleasure to make. Personally I think it is the essential oil blend (created exclusively by Robert Tisserand) that gives it that extra lift, but if you sign up, you can make it and decide for yourself.Essential Formulation: Oil-Based Products and Aqueous Sprays
This is an 8 week course where I will be teaching 7 of the lessons, and Robert Tisserand will be teaching the essential oil blending lesson.There is a time limit on sign-ups (and if you're quick as a bunny there is a discount and some cool extras included too!)
Read more (and sign up if you want to join) right here