Dandelions for Skincare - What Does Science Say?


vhingsamer said…
Extensive test team- foot left and right, you crack me up, my dear!
LisaLise said…
vhingsamer - aww thank you for your kind comment 💗
Jade Forest Co. said…
Hi, very interesting post! Did you find that the dandelion worked well for the foot aches on it's own, or when combined with other plant-based soothing ingredients?
LisaLise said…
Hi Jade Violet — I did combine it with other infusions for this balm, but the other herbs were ones I had used before. The dandelions were new to this balm so they are getting the credit for now. :)
Unknown said…
I'm very interested to know how you feel about this balm as it's been almost a year. :)
LisaLise said…
Hey there Unknown - Thanks for asking – it has become a staple in my stock! I use this balm for sore feet, smoothing scaly skin and have even used it as a face balm in winter months. I adore how it smells, feels and works. :)
Unknown said…
Hi Lisa!! I started to look at your blog (super interesting :)) Well I also experimented with the dandelions from my garden (full of them!), but I used a different method for the extraction, I used water distillation, making a dandelion floral water and I used it to make a cleanser for the antibacterial properties I read about it.
LisaLise said…
Hey there Unknown - Dandelion distilled water sounds lovely! I'm super curious about the scent and hope you will share :D
Unknown said…
I have dried dandelion blossoms from last summer. I've dried small batch every summer for years but I have no idea what to do with them. Perhaps infused oil? I'd love to get dandelion root but it's so difficult to pick.
LisaLise said…
HI Unknown -- oh do try an oil infusion -- it's absolutely lovely! Best of luck with it :D