Welcome Back Blogger!
Goodness I've missed having access to the blogger editor! Blogger has been in 'read only' mode for a few days, so if you've dropped by to have a read, you most likely haven't noticed anything. Meantime, I have been biting my nails in anticipation of the editor being reopened while the technical folks worked on whatever it was that needed working on behind the blogger scenes.
Trying to log in showed only a "Blogger is unavailable at the moment" page.... no access to my notes, posts in progress, photo upload area, stats – everything has been unaccessable... until now. Welcome back blogger - yay!
Jeg har slet ikke opdaget noget, fordi jeg ikke bruger bloggers egen editor. Jeg har postet med Windows Live Writer uden problemer. Måske det kunne være noget for dig - det er 100 x nemmere at redigere i.
Kh Rikke
Du får et program, hvortil du kan downloade din bloggerskabelon og derfra redigere og publisere til din blog.
Kh Rikke