Loofah Love

This is one of my favorite skin care regimens and a great way to start the day. Dry brush your entire body before showering/bathing. 

Dry brushing removes dead skin cells and is stimulating for your skin, encouraging blood flow and cell regeneration. The classic Loofah is great for dry-brushing. I find it has just enough of a rough edge to feel like it's doing something, but not so rough as to scratch the skin.

Start with lower legs, then thighs and abdomen, always working your way towards the heart. Use circular movements. Your skin should feel tingly and 'alive' afterwards. If it hurts, you are being too rough on yourself.

PS: If your brand new loofah is flat like this one, be sure to wet it thoroughly so it regains it's natural form, then let it dry before using it.


kt679 said…
Love it! (the tip). Gonna run right out and buy one...well, when I have time to run errands :)