Honey, Glucose Oxidase, and Preservative Power

Earlier this year I did a post about honey and why it lasts forever. The folks at Personal Care Truth or Scare asked to publish it, so how could I possibly say no?

Just to Make It Perfectly Clear

A reader left an excellent comment about a common misunderstanding some folks have that I've been meaning to share with you for a while.

Here's the comment from that post, made by 'Sagescript'
"While its true that honey has glucose oxidase, as well as a few other identified anti-microbial molecules and puts osmotic stress on bacteria, once honey is diluted it's antibacterial properties diminish rapidly. Its important for the reader to understand that honey can in no way be used as a preservative, but full strength - its great on the skin and even used to help prevent infection on burn patients."

This is absolutely right. Even though it really does lasts 'an age', it is honey's unique combination of components that makes it last as long as it does. But that doesn't mean it can be used as a natural preservative in other products.

Thanks Sagescript, for this important point.

Here's a link to the post with SageScript's comment
