Caffeine and Hair Growth - Case Study Update

Ages ago (January), I started a case study on caffeine and hair growth. The original intention was to take and show bimonthly pictures with myself as well as the participating testers.

Sorry for the delay, but if you have been waiting for this update, I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed. The results so far have surprised even me.

What Started This

I started this study when I noticed hair growing where I'd never seen it before. Not just out of the blue, mind you. The new hair growth was discovered in connection with my testing a hair-boosting product I developed for a friend.

Here's my 'before' picture, taken in January after I had been using the product for a month. The red ring is highlighting the area with new growth.

The Now Picture

In this second picture – taken at the beginning of October – I have been using Stuart's Formula every day as well as doing a 30-second daily head massage (link below).

I think it's fair to say it isn't my imagination that there is more hair here. It's fuller and thicker - and there is obviously more growth. The rest of my hair is fuller and thicker as well.

At an age where most people start thinning considerably, my hair is acting like it has been 'pumping iron'. I can only attribute this to Stuart's Formula combined with the scalp boosting massage (link below).

What My Husband Said

When my husband saw these 2 pictures, his reaction was immediate and brutally honest: 'This looks faked. It looks like you've arranged your hair differently to make it look thicker. The lighting is different and you're holding your hair differently in the second picture."

Fair enough. Trying to recreate angle, lighting etc has proved to be a ridiculously difficult thing for me to do when photo-documenting case studies.

I asked my husband to examine my scalp and compare it to the before picture.

He did, then said: "OK, it's pretty obvious that your hair is fuller in the new growth area - your whole hairline actually looks like it's moving forward as compared to the before picture."

This is indeed looking like a success story for my hair and scalp. I intend to continue using Stuart's Formula and seeing how far it continues to encourage hair growth on my scalp.

The Next Tester

Next time, we are going to take a look at how 'Mr. Bee' has been getting on with his use of this product. I promise it won't be as long as last time.

More Related to this Case Study

Caffeine for Hair Growth
Stuart's Formula - a Hair-Loving Herbal Powerhouse
Hair Care Tips you maybe never knew - battling baldness


LeKenda said…
Yay! After I read your post in January, I decided to make my own caffeine hair boost spray. The results were very dramatic. I don't know what 's in your formula but I can attest to the "miracle" hair growth that is caffeine. But let me add a caveat for those nay sayers- it has been reported that massage alone can improve hair growth- and it can as I practiced this method for nearly 2 years PRIOR to the introduction of my personal blendGood Afternoon! Just read your review- and of course I am disappointed. I am also confused. I checked my convos to see if you had contacted me for any suggestions on best use- sadly I see that I was not informed you was having some trouble with the product. This is not a product where you need to use a lot. Enough to make your fingers shiny is all it takes.

What would it have taken to get another star? A well made product deserves more than 2, right? (please note Lisa did not send me her recipe so please don't bombard her for her "secret formula", lol) There was a marked increase in growth when adding the spray formula. I do use it daily and took a 2 week hiatus in the theory that constant stimulation is not necessarily a good thing. I love the spray and will continue to use it.
LisaLise said…
Hi Lekenda - I'm a bit confused here. You write as if I have rated a product you have made? Sorry, but this doesn't ring a bell with me. Can you provide me with a link to where this is? Thanks
LeKenda said…
No, no. I am sorry for the confusion. Apparently, I was responding to a customer who left a review of item at the same time I was praising the virtues of caffeine as a hair booster. Please don't ask how I didn't notice this as I did preview before publishing. *hand smacks forehead
LisaLise said…
No worries! Glad the confusion was cleared up. Have a great week
Anonymous said…
Hej Lise
Da jeg læste om hovedbundsmassagen kom jeg til at tænke på øvelsen fra Hairloss Reversible
Jeg havde helt glemt den, men den får hele hovedbunden til at bevæge sig frem og tilbage - en slags hånd-fri massage til hovedbunden.

Tak for en interessant blog

Hilsen Lillian
LisaLise said…
Hej Lillian - Tusind tak for link og info! Jeg har kigget kort på det og skal nu undersøge nærmere-- det ser ret så spændende ud!